Autumn Edition Newsletter 2019

Welcome to our Autumn Edition Newsletter! Autumn Edition 2019 Newsletter Download PDF Please note.  The information provided on this website is NOT LEGAL ADVICE and is for information purposes only.  No action or inaction should be taken due to this information or any reliance placed upon this information.  Please note where legal advice is required…

Practical Completion – How Is It Defined & When Does It Occur?

So What Constitutes ‘Practical Completion’?
The answer really depends upon the form of contract under which the works are being delivered. However, the general understanding across the industry is that Practical Completion (or ‘PC’ as it is also known) marks the end of the Substantive Works and the commencement of the defects liability period.

Who Carries The Ground Risk? – The contractor? Not in this case…

Clancy Docwra Ltd (“CDL”) v E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd (“EON”) [2018] EWHC 3124 As some of our followers may be aware, a chapter of my contracting career was spent as the Managing Director of a nationwide trenchless contractor. I have therefore led many disputes concerning unforeseen ground conditions and as such am an avid follower…